Video games can make great holiday gifts for time-deficient givers

If you are looking for a great holiday gift at the last minute, try video games.

There are great games for just about anyone, and the best part of it is that they can be downloaded in an instant. You can download games for both the PC and Mac (or Linux), and the gift will arrive by email alongside a personal message from the giver. Here are a couple great sources for hot titles: Activision, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft.

Where is mobile shopping hot?

Ebay released a heat map graphic using Google Maps that shows where in the country is mobile shopping hot. Metropolitan areas, as expected, are better for mobile shopping than rural areas. San Francisco is one of the leaders in mobile e-tail.  South Dakota and rural Illinois....not so much. A new website by EBay shows the activity of mobile shopping as a big green mess with pockets of empty, sad spaces. Fortunately, you can zoom into the state level to get a better picture, but the timeline graph which breaks down the past few days by category and region is quite interesting.
As the world's leading e-commerce company, eBay Inc.'s global portfolio of businesses enables hundreds of millions of people to buy, sell and pay online. Take a closer look.